Call For Action

Urgent - Call Your Representatives

We are determined to reverse the immigration ban and ensure that our petition has a tangible impact on American politics and the future of our country. We, therefore, encourage everyone to join us in calling tweeting to your representatives on a nationwide day of action, Wednesday, February 1st. Call your representatives in congress, bring this petition to their attention, and ask them to oppose the executive order, because it is discriminatory, un-American, harmful to the United States, and imposes an undue burden on members of our community.

This website will be continuously updated as we organize our efforts and gather momentum. You will soon be able to call your representative directly from this page. It is essential that we coordinate our efforts. We request that you share this call for action far and wide amongst the academic community. #NoToImmigrationBan #NoBanNoWall

In Solidarity,
Petition Organizers,
Academics Against Immigration Executive Committee


What Should I Say on the Call?

Here's a cheatsheet for what you can say on your call:

“I am an [student/faculty member/researcher] at [Institution name]. I want to bring a petition from the academic community to the attention of my [senator/representative]. The petition can be found on As of now, nearly 15,000 US faculty members, including 50 Nobel Leureates have signed.

We strongly oppose the Trump administration’s ban on travel from the seven Muslim majority countries. The executive order is discriminatory, un-American, harmful to our country, and imposes an undue burden on members of our community.”

If you are speaking to a Senator continue with:

“I urge my Senator to support legislation to reverse this executive order, and cosponsor or support Senate bill 240 and Senate bill 248. Can I count on my Senator to cosponsor or support these bills to reverse the ban?”

If you are speaking to a House Representative continue with:

“I urge my Representative to sign on to House bill 724, the Statue of Liberty Values Act, to reverse this executive order.

Can I count on my Representative to sign the Statue of Liberty Values Act to reverse the ban?”